Monday 31 May 2021

FIDO / Fast Identity Online

 FIDO (Fast Identity Online)

Take a moment to consider the number of online accounts that you have. It does not matter whether they are social media accounts, news sites, blogs or enterprise accounts. The answer would be quite a lot. And that’s fairly common for anybody. Also it’s pretty safe to say that pretty much all these accounts are password protected. So any user at any given time is dealing with a lot of passwords and the complications associated with it. Such as while creating; specific character combinations, meeting minimum length restrictions, specific character properties like case sensitivity, maximum length restrictions, special characters, complexity, periodic changes(90 days etc) and many more.


Passwords are complex in maintaining and creating. But they are the best line of defence when it comes to secure data access. Since it’s easy to set up, it breeds a sense of complacency when it comes to security. Set a password once and we are done, right? But the truth is passwords need to be maintained consistently. With good and strong characteristics. Also passwords are susceptible to a wide variety of attacks. Brute Force, Phishing, Credential Stuffing etc. Survey after survey shows depressing statistics when it comes to password usage in the context of security. Consider this

According to an online survey conducted by Google

online survey

52% of people reuse the same password for many (but not all) accounts

Only a minor 13% Use a different password for all accounts

A whooping 35% reuse the same password for all their accounts,to%20a%20single%20email%20address.

A detailed survey conducted by digital guardian showed that

Only about 31.3% of respondents changed their passwords one to two times

Only about one-fifth (22.4%) changed their passwords more than five times per year

Almost half of the respondents, 49.3%, said they reuse passwords

In a survey conducted by Data prot,

53% of people rely on their memory to manage passwords.

51% of people use the same passwords for both work and personal accounts.

57% of people who have already been scammed in phishing attacks still haven’t changed their passwords.

Passwords are mostly in a “data at rest” state. Data or password which is stored or in the state of rest is not as vulnerable as data in transit over the network. But data in the state of rest is usually more critical.

Passwords or passcodes are as old as computing itself. MITs Compatible Time-Sharing System built way back in 1961, featured the first passcode. Computing has evolved from clunky, giant devices to nimble mobile devices. Password unfortunately has remained the same. Also, in the modern digital age with plenty of devices the problem of maintaining and managing many accounts and passwords. So why hasn’t the world moved on from passwords?

Two Factor authentication

Two Factor authentication

To a large extent, 2FA or two factor authentication makes an account safer. By having another level of security to a user’s account risks are reduced. 2FA can be enabled in conjunction with passwords with

Something that a user knows — Password, PIN, Swipe gesture etc

Something that a user has — Mobile device, compatible security key etc

Something that a user is — Biometrics

2FA makes accounts secure. But 2FA is a bad experience from a user perspective. The time taken to authenticate is more with 2FA. and in certain cases, like loss, corruption of compatible devices, even more problematic. Ultimately 2FA is an “Extra” level of security on top of passwords. So the password problem is always there. It hasn’t gone away even with 2FA

FIDO Alliance

The problem is quite simply, how to get rid of passwords and in its place have a system which is more secure. How to change a timeless way of login i.e using passwords. That’s exactly what FIDO or Fast Identity Online seeks to achieve. FIDO Authentication aims to replace password-only logins.


FIDO Alliance was founded by Industry leaders. PayPal, Lenovo, Nok Nok Labs, Validity Sensors, Infineon, and Agnitio etc. Other Tech Giants like Google, Paypal and Samsung also lent their support to the FIDO alliance later on. Thereby increasing its credibility. At its heart, FIDO uses the robust, proven technique of PKI or public key infrastructure. A public/private key is generated at the time of registration. The public key resides in the server and the private key never leaves the user. The data which is encrypted with a public key can only be decrypted with a private key

Passwordless and Multifactor : FIDO version one

Passwordless and Multifactor

The first FIDO standards, launched back in 2014 had two major components. The Universal Authentication Framework (UAF) and the Universal 2nd Factor (U2F).

UAF is the backbone for authentication by means of multi factor security. UAF enables the app or service to present different mechanisms for logging in. Such as fingerprint scan, face scan, voice recognition, PIN etc while registering. Instead of the usual id/password flow, users follow the authentication they chose while registering.

U2F as the name suggests deals with the standards associated with USB based physical security keys such as NFC and Bluetooth. These devices serve as the secondary factor for authentication or form the basis of 2 Factor authentication. 2AF is a familiar authentication technique. Similar to that FIDO too has a secondary factor authentication standard i.e U2F

So in other words UAF + U2F offers higher levels of authentication and security as in passwords, but without the hassles of passwords

Version FIDO 2

FIDO 2 was launched in 2018 and it was the updated and upgraded version of version one. FIDO 2 introduced Web Authentication (WebAuthn) in conjunction with the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C). FIDO 2 extends the power of UAF and U2F to third party apps and services. FIDO-based authentication is made available on supported browsers and platforms. By virtue of Web Authentication component, standards and web application programming interfaces (APIs). At the time of writing this, WebAuth is supported in pretty much all the major browsers like Chrome, Firefox, Edge and Safari

FIDO alliance or specifically WebAuthn is a win-win for all as there are tangible benefits to replacing passwords. WebAuth offers a good experience plus the security offered by having a password less, PKI based infrastructure. Service providers also don’t have to worry about the complexity of maintaining, developing and updating complex secure authentication solutions.

Source: FIDO / Fast Identity Online

Tuesday 4 May 2021

Advanced testing strategy for apps - Security Checklist 1

Security Checklist 1

Agile methodologies and DevOps are widely adopted by many software service providers and consulting companies. The primary driver for this adoption being, faster delivery of products, independent teams, and generally better all-around synergy between the engineering and operations team.

In this DevOps and Agile world, the traditional modes of quality assurance, like manual testing, are not as effective when it comes to quality assurance. Granted, risk analysis, test planning, and test management are still important, but to ensure the same level of quality in an Agile world as before, or even better, organizations are using new skills such as test automation, data analytics, and AI technologies amongst others.

In this two-part blog(IInd part coming soon), we provide an example of such an advanced testing strategy via a checklist for mobile app testing on the two most popular platforms, iOS and Android. We cover a wide spectrum of categories ranging from tests related to how and where to store data, testing the entire authentication flow, code quality, platform interaction scenarios, and many more. You can download the entire checklist here, or for a detailed explanation, read on.

1) Data storage and privacy

Data storage and privacy

Mobile devices are a constant companion in the digital era. They are used for various purposes such as entertainment, work, personal, professional, etc. Users interact a lot with mobile devices and invariably enter or store details about themselves. Contacts, bank account, health information, habits and preferences, travel logs, etc. Hence it’s no surprise that the number one priority while testing is data storage and privacy, i.e., to ensure that the app does not “leak” any confidential information.

For Android

  1. No Sensitive information is stored in AndroidManifest.xml file
  2. No Sensitive information is stored in file
  3. No Sensitive information is stored in any strings.xml folders in apk package
  4. [Shared Preferences Check] Install apk on Android phone (or emulator) and navigate to /data/data/<package-name>/shared-prefs/keys.xml. Verify no sensitive data is being stored there.
  5. [SQLite Databases Check] Install apk on Android phone (or emulator) and navigate to /data/data/<package-name>/databases/. Verify no sensitive information is stored in sqlite dbs
  6. [Encrypted Database] Install apk on android phone (or emulator) and navigate to /data/data/<package-name>/databases and verify databases which have sensitive data are encrypted.
  7. Verify that debug logs are disabled on production build. Connect device to your machine , run the following command adb logcat | grep “$(adb shell ps | grep <package-name> | awk ‘{print $2}’)” and verify the logs when app is running
  8. Verify input fields that ask for sensitive data for e.g. “Password” are masked
  9. Verify input fields that ask for sensitive data for e.g. “Password” does not display auto suggestions by default.
  10. Verify input fields that ask for sensitive data for e.g. “Password” , Cut, Copy, Paste options should not work on these fields
  11. By Default Backups should be disabled. In Androidmanifest.xml, verify android:allowBackup is set as false.
  12. If Backup is a requirement, then check that no sensitive data is backed up.

Then run a backup from adb, adb backup -apk -nosystem <package-name>

ADB should respond now with “Now unlock your device and confirm the backup operation” and you should be asked on the Android phone for a password. Approve the backup from your device by selecting the Back up my data option. After the backup process is finished, the file .ab will be in your working directory.

Run the following command to convert the

.ab file to tar. dd if=mybackup.ab bs=24 skip=1|openssl zlib -d > mybackup.tar

Analyse the backup and check if there is any sensitive data stored.

For iOS

Verify no sensitive data Is stored in App Bundles DB. Run a simulator build, and navigate to

/Library/Developer/CoreSimulator/Devices/<Simulator ID>/var/mobile/Containers/Data/Application/$APP_ID/. read .db files

and verify no sensitive data is saved here.

Verify Keychain

/Library/Developer/CoreSimulator/Devices/<Simulator ID>/data/Library/Keychains/keychain-2-debug.db.

Data stored here should be encrypted

Logs should not have any sensitive data.

Verify input fields that ask for sensitive data for

e.g. “Password” are masked

Verify input fields that ask for sensitive data for

e.g. “Password” does not display auto suggestions by default.

Verify input fields that ask for sensitive data for

e.g. “Password” , Cut, Copy, Paste options should not work on these fields

2) Cryptography Requirements

Cryptography Requirements

While it’s important to test if data is stored securely, it’s equally important to verify if data is stored securely, i.e., is it encrypted. This can be defined as “How is data stored” compared to testing “Where is data stored.” Confidential information like passwords, secret questions, and answers, keys should never be stored in a human-readable format. Both Android and iOS use the AES 256 Keys algorithm to encrypt confidential information, and app developers must leverage this.

For Android

  1. Verify sensitive data is encrypted when stored in the device. Encryption keys used should be saved in Android. Keystore

For iOS

  1. Verify sensitive data is encrypted when stored in the device. Encryption keys used should be saved in Secure Keychain

3) Authentication and Session Management

Authentication and Session Management

Apps usually have a sign in, signup, and authentication mechanism. Authentication identifies a user. Depending on authentication, certain resources are authorized. A user logs in, consumes services, and eventually logs out. This is known as a session. The critical thing in this flow is to ensure that the user is correctly authenticated most safely, and only those resources are allocated to him for which he is authorized.

For Android

1. Passwords should have a strong Password Policy. Comprising of Minimum password length should be 8 characters. Password should contain the combination of following characters as mentioned below

a. Lower Case (a-z)

b. Numeric (0–9)

c. Upper Case (A-Z)

d. Non-Alphanumeric (e.g.!, @, etc.)

2. If needed 2FA Authentication should be present

3. When a password is entered multiple times, then app lockout should be implemented

4. Session IDs are always exchanged over secure connections

(e.g. HTTPS).

5. Verify The server verifies the session whenever a user tries to access privileged application elements,

(a session ID must be valid and must correspond to the proper authorization level).

6. Verify The session is terminated on the server side and session information deleted within the mobile app after it times out or the user logs out.

For iOS

1. Verify no sensitive data Is stored in App Bundles DB. Run a simulator build, and navigate to

/Library/Developer/CoreSimulator/Devices/<Simulator ID>/var/mobile/Containers/Data/Application/$APP_ID/. read .db files and verify no sensitive data is saved here.

2. Verify Keychain

/Library/Developer/CoreSimulator/Devices/<Simulator ID>/data/Library/Keychains/keychain-2-debug.db.

Data stored here should be encrypted

3. No sensitive data should be printed in Logs.

4. Verify input fields that ask for sensitive data for

e.g. “Password” are masked

5. Verify input fields that ask for sensitive data for

e.g. “Password” does not display auto suggestions by default.

6. Verify input fields that ask for sensitive data for

e.g. “Password” , Cut, Copy, Paste options should not work on these fields


This concludes the first part of this series, where we presented a checklist for testing mobile apps in the data storage & privacy category, cryptography requirements categories, and Authentication and session management category. In the next part, we will examine the test cases for the Network communications category, Platform Interaction, Code Quality and Build setting, and Resiliency category.


Tuesday 30 March 2021

How can enterprises benefit from Low-Code/No Code development method


LowCode NoCode

A professor, to highlight the importance of communication, gave a simple exercise involving the whole class. He wrote a tongue twister

“Fred fed Ted bread and Ted fed Fred bread”

on a piece of paper and gave it to the first student sitting on the first row and asked him to whisper whatever he read in the next student’s ears. The second student was asked to repeat whatever he heard to the third student, and so on. This process was repeated till the student in the last row and finally, he/she was asked to say what he heard. He said,

“Fred said bake bread, Fred said eat bread”!

Talk about lost in translation!

This simple example helps us understand how much information and, importantly, meaning can be lost in communication. How difficult communication can be even in person, let alone through other mediums like digital. A similar predicament happens when business and I.T. communicate, particularly regarding requirements or expected outcomes.

Businesses and I.T. have their silos, and they speak different languages.

Business IT

One, the user’s language, expectations, and markets. And the other, the language of technology, of bits and bytes and frameworks. Invariably when

“Fred feeds ted bread,”

it is understood as

“Fred said bake bread.”

In his seminal work “Business at the Speed of Thought,” Bill Gates wrote `If the 1980s were about quality and the 1990s were about reengineering, then the 2000s will be about velocity. Speed of development and quick-to-market products has never been more critical than today. Take the case of the ongoing pandemic. Every single aspect of our life has been upended. Companies and businesses are scrambling to upgrade or modify their delivery chains. In such exceptional circumstances, velocity or speed of delivery is of utmost importance.

A knee-jerk reaction to ensure delivery speed would be to hire the right engineering talent and just put them to work, right? Well, it turns out that’s not always the case. One, talent is scarce, and second, it is expensive. According to a survey by TechRepublic,

a whopping 83% of CIOs found it a struggle to fill positions, particularly engineering. Even if you manage to cross these hurdles, merely increasing the number of people to solve a problem never really works. One could put a case for Automation. Automation is a perfect solution to increase the speed of execution. However, automated tools will still have to be built, configured by the I.T., thereby repeating the whole development process. The challenges enterprises face in the development process, such as speed, clarity of vision, are repeated.

Challenges in current development models

Challenges in current development models

  • I.T. and business need a common language to convey, communicate, and understand business goals uniformly.

  • Speed of development and delivery separates the winners from competitors in business.

  • As long as corporate I.T. sanctions it, engineering should not be restricted to I.T. only. Ideas and solutions are not the sole purviews of engineers. Engineering can and should be inclusive, i.e., Citizen development and Citizen I.T. as well.

What is the Low-Code Platform?
Forrester defines low-code development platforms as:

“Products and/or cloud services for application development that employ visual, declarative techniques instead of programming and are available to customers at low- or no-cost in money and training time to begin, with costs rising in the proportion of the business value of the platforms.”

Gartner characterizes it as platforms that provide “rapid application development (RAD) features for development, deployment, and execution – in the cloud.”

Low-Code Development (LCD Henceforth) is an approach that involves visual development tools and an interactive development process. LCD is declarative in nature. In the declarative style of development, instead of focussing on how to do something, the focus is on what needs to be done. The logic of how to do something is abstracted behind visual components.

How does Low-Code work with visual development tools?

Low-Code work with visual development

LCD has a strong emphasis on graphical tools. So instead of extensive coding, developers use pre-built components by simply dragging and dropping. Low-Code enables anyone, literally anyone, to build applications and engineer solutions regardless of their technical ability. This empowers the citizen’s I.T. development. Additionally, the requirements are more clearly implemented since the development can be done by the business as well. With LCD, the business and product owners can engineer solutions independently without depending on I.T. So the goals and features, and vision of the business are translated into solutions more accurately.

What are the Features of Low-Code Platform?

Features of Low-Code Platform

  • At its heart, LCD aims to bring business and I.T. together to deliver on the business goals faster and better. Far too often, bottlenecks caused by inter dept communication drag the development process down. Understanding business requirements into something which can be expressed using technology is challenging. LCD is the perfect solution for this silo-induced communication bottleneck.

  • With LCD, businesses or anyone authorized in the company can deliver or transform an idea or requirement into a working solution. With abstraction and Automation enabled, the time to market is reduced dramatically. Companies no longer need to depend on I.T. to engineer quick solutions such as automated tasks or prototypes.

  • LCD is perfect for trying out new tools and prototype solutions. Since LCD is based on visual tools such as drag and drop components, the speed of development is fast, and the development process itself is nimble and agile.

  • Not all applications and solutions can be built using the out-of-the-box solutions provided by LCD platforms. But LCD can be customized to create new components and reusable modules with the standard development process. LCD also works with complex backend and legacy systems. Along with inbuilt tools and IDEs, LCD provides connectors to set up connections to database and APIs

What are the benefits of Low-Code?

Benefits of LowCode development

  • With Low-Code or no code used to develop, the speed of development is faster, and time to market is brought down drastically. Ready-to-use components are tested and ready to be deployed. So testing time and deployment time are brought down considerably.

  • LCD enables everyone to be an engineer or developer. In a limited way, of course! The concept of citizen I.T. and citizen development are reinforced with LCD. This allows requirements to be easily translated into implementation, mainly when the business uses a low-code platform.

  • LCD works well with all existing development processes like Agile, Scrum. Additionally, LCD is compatible with APIs, New methods. The addition of new code to configure custom modules is also possible with LCD. The bottom line is that LCD provides an added advantage to the existing development process of an enterprise.

  • Although I.T. is going nowhere and it will still be relevant, LCD enables development at a fraction of the cost. Mainly when it comes to repeated automated tasks, LCD provides tremendous cost benefits.

  • The benefits of having citizen developers are manifold. Citizen IT armed with LCD helps in reducing the IT backlog and improves internal processes. Consequently, innovation and digital transformation in an organization happen at a much faster rate.

How does Low-Code work with APIs?

APIs are the building blocks of great software solutions. They are ubiquitous and everywhere. At its heart, APIs are all about abstracting complexity or business logic into a simple, easy-to-use interface.

Does this sound familiar?

Of course, it does!

That’s a key goal of Low-Code as well.

As we saw above, Low-Code aims to build rapidly complex applications with minimal code so that solutions can be delivered faster and I.T. can closely replicate what the business wants. Almost all Low-Code service providers have prebuilt APIs from various providers like Google Suite, popular Social Media sites, single sign-on. They can be easily chosen and integrated with the App that is being built. Like the drag and drop interface for building low-code apps, app integration with prebuilt APIs is a breeze.

For Custom API integration, Low-Code Apps have plugins and provisions to create high-level model extensions. Write custom code for interacting and connecting to cloud services such as AWSGoogle Cloud. Almost all low- and no-code platforms provide ways for programmers to create high-level model extensions for applications. Platforms typically support these extensions through APIs.

What is the future of Low-Code development?

Gartner predicts that by 2024, an astounding 65% of application development activity will be via low-code application development.

And as per an infographic by, LCD will be a 27 billion dollar industry by 2022.,or%20no%20technical%20development%20skills

These are astounding numbers, and enterprises would do well to start investing in LCD. LCD empowers or enables everyone in the enterprise to focus on business goals than complex technology. In addition to ease of implementation, LCD helps in faster deployment of solutions, which is the critical differentiator in modern times.LCD is compatible with legacy systems as well as agile practices. Whatever is the enterprise development model, LCD integrates itself well.